Monthly Archives: June 2007

CNN Draws New Afghani Borders

Trevor Perry

Active ImageThe Department of Education celebrated a tremendous success in the deliberate “dumbing-down” of American citizens when it’s efforts manifested on CNN with Anderson Cooper.

I frequently reference, in my political discussions, the simplest yet most affective form of propaganda. Although such a primitive trick would seem ineffective it’s not hard to imagine how and why the slight of hand goes unabridged. How, you ask? Well, ask your neighbor to find Iran on a map. The afore mentioned trick – calling anything under the sun Al-Qaeda. Examples:

  • Shi’ite (the opposite of Sunni-based-Al-Qaeda) restitance to occupation
  • Insurgent response to attacks by real Sunni Groups – funded by America
  • People who don’t pay taxes
  • The reason your car broke down

But I digress. I’ve skipped past my original subject – The middle east, maps, and dumb Americans. No I don’t hate America, don’t send me emails. So in order to undue some of the by-design destruction of your gray matter, I will give you a quick Geography lesson.

For those of you who aren’t quite sure where Afghanistan is located, I can assure you one place it is not…Active Image
…in Syria. Rather, the supposed homeland of the best all-elusive enemy money can buy is 3 countries east of where CNN has decided it should be. Although I am not the first or only person to report on this little mishap, I fear that it – for the most part – will go unnoticed. Want proof? Ask your neighbor to find Afghanistan on a map.

Cameron Diaz Offends an Entire Country


Actress Cameron Diaz appears to have committed a major fashion crime in Peru.

The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated Shrek films may have inadvertently offended Peruvians.

They suffered decades of violence from a Maoist guerrilla insurgency by touring there on Friday with a bag emblazoned with one of Mao Zedong’s favourite political slogans.

While she explored the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in Peru’s Andes, Diaz wore over her shoulder an olive green messenger bag emblazoned with a red star and the words ‘Serve the People’ printed in Chinese on the flap, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao’s most famous political slogan.

While the bags are marketed as trendy fashion accessories in some world capitals, the phrase has particular resonance in Peru.

The Maoist Shining Path insurgency took Peru to the edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.

Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency.

A prominent Peruvian human rights activist said the star of There’s Something About Mary should have been a little more aware of local sensitivities when picking her accessories.

“It alludes to a concept that did so much damage to Peru, that brought about so many victims,” said Pablo Rojas about the bag’s slogan.

“I don’t think she should have used that bag where the followers of that ideology” did so much damage.

FBI to Restrict Student Freedoms

Press Esc | June 24, 2007

US university students will not be able to work late at the campus, travel abroad, show interest in their colleagues’ work, have friends outside the United States, engage in independent research, or make extra money without the prior consent of the authorities, according to a set of guidelines given to administrators by the FBI.

Federal agents are visiting some of the New England’s top universities, including MIT, Boston College, and the University of Massachusetts, to warn university heads about the dangers of foreign spies and terrorists stealing sensitive academic research.

FBI is offering to brief faculty, students and staff on what it calls “espionage indicators” aimed at identifying foreign agents.

Unexplained affluence, failing to report overseas travel, showing unusual interest in information outside the job scope, keeping unusual work hours, unreported contacts with foreign nationals, unreported contact with foreign government, military, or intelligence officials, attempting to gain new accesses without the need to know, and unexplained absences are all considered potential espionage indicators. Continue reading

Cheney Announced Bush Detainee Policy Before Bush Made Decision

Barton Gellman and Jo Becker
Washington Post
Sunday June 24, 2007

Just past the Oval Office, in the private dining room overlooking the South Lawn, Vice President Cheney joined President Bush at a round parquet table they shared once a week. Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer. He carried it back out with him after lunch.

In less than an hour, the document traversed a West Wing circuit that gave its words the power of command. It changed hands four times, according to witnesses, with emphatic instructions to bypass staff review. When it returned to the Oval Office, in a blue portfolio embossed with the presidential seal, Bush pulled a felt-tip pen from his pocket and signed without sitting down. Almost no one else had seen the text.

Cheney’s proposal had become a military order from the commander in chief. Foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States were stripped of access to any court — civilian or military, domestic or foreign. They could be confined indefinitely without charges and would be tried, if at all, in closed “military commissions.”

“What the hell just happened?” Secretary of State Colin L. Powell demanded, a witness said, when CNN announced the order that evening, Nov. 13, 2001. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, incensed, sent an aide to find out. Even witnesses to the Oval Office signing said they did not know the vice president had played any part.

The episode was a defining moment in Cheney’s tenure as the 46th vice president of the United States, a post the Constitution left all but devoid of formal authority. “Angler,” as the Secret Service code-named him, has approached the levers of power obliquely, skirting orderly lines of debate he once enforced as chief of staff to President Gerald R. Ford. He has battled a bureaucracy he saw as hostile, using intimate knowledge of its terrain. He has empowered aides to fight above their rank, taking on roles reserved in other times for a White House counsel or national security adviser. And he has found a ready patron in George W. Bush for edge-of-the-envelope views on executive supremacy that previous presidents did not assert.

Over the past six years, Cheney has shaped his times as no vice president has before. This article begins a four-part series that explores his methods and impact, drawing on interviews with more than 200 men and women who worked for, with or in opposition to Cheney’s office. Many of those interviewed recounted events that have not been made public until now, sharing notes,e-mails, personal calendars and other records of their interaction with Cheney and his senior staff. The vice president declined to be interviewed.

Two articles, today and tomorrow, recount Cheney’s campaign to magnify presidential war-making authority, arguably his most important legacy. Articles to follow will describe a span of influence that extends far beyond his well-known interests in energy and national defense.

In roles that have gone largely undetected, Cheney has served as gatekeeper for Supreme Court nominees, referee of Cabinet turf disputes, arbiter of budget appeals, editor of tax proposals and regulator in chief of water flows in his native West. On some subjects, officials said, he has displayed a strong pragmatic streak. On others he has served as enforcer of ideological principle, come what may.

Cheney is not, by nearly every inside account, the shadow president of popular lore. Bush has set his own course, not always in directions Cheney preferred. The president seized the helm when his No. 2 steered toward trouble, as Bush did, in time, on military commissions. Their one-on-one relationship is opaque, a vital unknown in assessing Cheney’s impact on events. The two men speak of it seldom, if ever, with others. But officials who see them together often, not all of them admirers of the vice president, detect a strong sense of mutual confidence that Cheney is serving Bush’s aims.

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The Georgia Guidestones

Canada Free Press | by Judi McLeod

The Georgia Guidestones have been part of the landscape in Elberton, Georgia for a quarter of a century. Tourists flood to Elberton each year to see the 19-foot-tall granite monument, often posing for pictures standing beside it.

After 25 years, a Christian organization named The Resistance is calling for the monument’s immediate removal.

“The satanic Georgia Guidestones must be destroyed,” insists John Conner of The Resistance. “The Guidestones should be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction purpose.”

An Occult Society with Links to The Freemasons: Order of the Rosy Cross In Your Face: The Globalists’ Language is Hidden in Plain View Occult Activities of the Global Elite at Bohemian Grove Exposed!

The notion of hacking the monument into smithereens for construction scrap has a certain appeal, given the hype of how it came to dominate the lonely landscape in the first place.

The Georgia Guidestones were ordered, constructed and paid for in total anonymity.

The monument, which has stood since 1980, consists of four large stones with 10 commandments engraved into the sides in eight different languages.

Some folk call them the 10 commandments, others a set of New Age Golden Rules.

The first commandment or rule calls on everyone to “Maintain humanity under 500,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

A little difficult to achieve when considering that the current world population tops 6 billion.

Other commandments or rules speak of a world court and a new universal language.

The origination of the Georgia Guidestones is steeped in bizarre mysticism. They were said to be paid for by an anonymous man with the unlikely name of R.C. Christian back in 1979. Indeed, the name of the donor has remained a secret ever since. As folk legend would have it, a certain Mr. Christian came to town out of nowhere and just as quickly returned to nowhere.

The Message of the Georgia Guidestones 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language .
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

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